FCAT all through disadvantaged students statement


“The best all students can be”

FCAT academies promote a journey that enables all students to be the best they can be, fantastically preparing them for their next phase of education, adulthood and modern life. Indeed any institution is reflected in how it develops those with the least advantage as they start on their journey of life.

At all our academies we will provide:-

  • A rich and memorable curriculum, through which disadvantaged students take pride in their achievements.
  • Quality first teaching that allows disadvantaged students to fulfil their potential, raise their aspirations and drive their ambitions along the journey.
  • A value led environment that promotes disadvantaged student curiosity and respect in themselves, others and the world around them, allowing them to become good citizens with an understanding of British values.
  • An innovative extra-curricular programme that develops disadvantaged students’ resilience and opportunity to experience different cultural opportunities.
  • An educational offer with integrity, ensuring disadvantaged students and the capitation that is additional, improves their educational outcomes and life chances.
  • A duty of care and pastoral support system of excellence that encourages disadvantaged students to overcome barriers to learning, as they progress along their journey.


The best it can be

To allow disadvantaged students to be

The best they can be.